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About Us

Here at New York City Correction Officers For Christ, a non-profit fraternal organization, we know that sometimes all it takes to change the world is a little support. Since our founding in YEAR FOUNDED, we have been determined to make an impact. The core of our efforts is to bring our team’s fresh ideas and passion to the range of activities we’re involved in. Through all of our endeavors we hope to display the conviction behind our beliefs.







Throughout life’s journey and life on the job, the Lord has taken me from what I used to be to who I am today; and, I look forward to the person that He is transforming me into.

I’ve come to realize that God’s love is not contingent on my perfection, and I’m comforted by the truth that it’s God who works in me through His word to bring me to His corrected end result. I simply take one day at a time and let God do His work in me.

Straight talk: Don’t worry about fixing yourself up first. Simply surrender to Jesus Christ right where you are and let God change you. Without a doubt, God is going to finish the work that He started in you.

As Vice President of "Correction Officer for Christ". His goal is to present hope through Jesus the Christ to our brothers and sister here in the department. 

Psalms 46:1 declares that "God is our refuge and strength and a very present help in the time of trouble". 

As we know trouble times are upon us both in an outside of the workplace. However we believe that the Lord can & will carry you through if you genuinely "Trust & Believe".

In closing, remember God loves all and has no respect of person and is inviting you to put your cares and burdens on him as He cares for you.

As Vice President of Correction Officers For Christ. It is our goal to spread the love and hope of Jesus Christ by being the shining light in a dark situation. With the help of God, we can achieve our goal.

I am highly honored to be the 3rd  Vice President of COFC, Scripture says in Proverbs 18:2 “The name of the LORD is a strong tower; The righteous run to it and are safe” God is Faithful, and He hears us whenever we call on His Great Name.
It is our sincere prayer for all DOC Staff to experience the Love of God and to know His Amazing Grace –during these challenging times. We Serve a Mighty God who promises to perfect, confirm, strengthen and establish us 1 Pet 5:1 God promises to give rest to the weary and strength to the weak-He is always faithful and cannot fail us !!!!

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